God as a GPS

At this point, I just want to cry.

Life isn’t going how I imagined. I used to be someone who believed in their dreams and I desperately still want to… but I don’t know what dream is mine.

Am I the only one?

Having multiple ideas but negligible confidence to pursue them? No idea how to begin?

Not even a fear of failure… but my fear that I will move onto something else again with “shiny object syndrome”.

I just finished reading today’s devotional from She Reads Truth about asking God for a sign.

And, I suppose it is true. Lately I have been more concerned about what is happening or not happening in my life than God. I want to use Him as a GPS, ya know– just tell me where to go and where to turn. Show me the route. Show me the fastest way.

Not… giving Him the wheel (cliche, I know).

But, more than giving Him the wheel… giving Him the ability to step on the gas or break.

Giving Him the power to stop for gas.

Allowing Him to decide when to stop to stretch His legs and explore the area.

Giving Him the control to take the scenic route.

Choosing to not worry or demand the destination or time of arrival…but instead, talk to my friend and get to know Him more.

God. If I’m honest right now, I don’t even know how to give that up. I don’t even know what steps to take while I wait. My fear is throwing myself into the wrong thing.

But… that is me looking for a sign.

Instead of doing what is in front of me, I’m looking for it to make sense.

So, I’m sorry for treating you as a GPS. Help me to slow down, pull over, and let you take this.


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